Thursday, August 30, 2012

True love.

True love is going with your husband to three different Walmarts to hunt down color guard uniforms.  (Mostly so he doesn't look like a creeper shopping for girls clothes.)

I know he loves me because he forces me to get dessert when I am grumpy and leaves sweet notes when he packs my lunch.

We are a perfect match.  Most of the time.

 Also sometimes I trim his toenails.... that's TRUE LOVE! 

Monday, August 27, 2012

Take one...

Not sure how to start all of this off but I know someday I will be glad that I did.  I see so many of my awesome friends who are so good about writing down memories and taking pictures but I am not yet one of them.  It is important to have goals:) According to Jeff I have a horrible memory and maybe by writing things down now and then I can actually keep track of things.  Oh and maybe once in awhile I will take a picture or two.

Also I need a title for my blog, suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Overall life is pretty awesome.  I have a good job, a house I like a whole lot, the husband that is just right for me and great friends and family.  What more could a girl ask for?

Well cookies and the beach would help but we can't have everything.

I know it isn't much but it is a start! Thanks to the 2.3 people that will actually read this:)