Saturday, April 6, 2013

Spring break road trip

Day One (Target, Gordon Ramsey's burGR, Barg's Red Cream Soda float)


Day two (1st time at Cafe Rio, Hatch - UT, Manti Temple)

Day Three (Manti temple, SLC, Provo fun with Kerianna)

Day four (Meghann!, bowling, Easter gift basket)

Day five (more Meghann!, cupcakes, and even more Meghann!)

Day six:
No pictures, you have to picture Winnemuca for yourself.  Also super fun times with Jeff's family. And finally HOME!

Monday, January 14, 2013


Last week Jeff was still on winter break but my district was back in school.  I was a teeny-tiny bit bit bitter about having to go back to work but Jeff took such good care of me.  I think he just wanted to prove to me that he could cook more than just frozen pizza and mac n' cheese.

Not only did he cook me dinner every night but he grocery shopped, did the laundry and cleaned the house.  It was AWESOME!  I love him so much and it was really nice to be so spoiled all week.  I could get used to this:)

For the record all the food was super tasty and even a little artistic (notice the happy face on the garlic bread).  I love you Jeff, thanks so much for being such a great husband.  In case you are wondering we are now both back at work and I am eating soup my neighbor shared with us while Jeff is at a band booster meeting.  Well it was fun while it lasted!

Monday: Tri-tip, roasted potatoes and grilled zucchini
Tuesday: Tri-tip tacos with homemade salsa 

Wednesday: Spaghetti, garlic bread and "fancy" salad
Thursday: French toast and bacon

Sunday, January 6, 2013


Nearly three weeks ago Jeff had his tonsils out.  Well actually he had a Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty.  Don't even try to sound it out, its impossible, trust me.  In simple terms he had his tonsils out, his uvala shortened and his palate was given a facelift.  We knew it was going to be to rough and everyone we had talked to who had their tonsils out as an adult testified to how awful it was but I don't think we really believed them.  Let me just tell you, IT WAS AWFUL!  There are far worse illnesses and surgeries in the world but it is so strange that a surgery that is pretty easy on a five year old knocks grown men out for two weeks and takes many more for a full recovery.

Here are some things I learned (or was reminded of) over the last three weeks:
  • We have awesome friends and neighbors, we are very lucky to be watched over and cared about.
  • Our house if comfy and warm and I am very thankful for it, even if I did get a little stir crazy.
  • I LOVE to read.  I had forgotten and it was awesome to read so many books the last three weeks.  My favorites were Nefertiti and Graceling.  Thanks Kathryn for the recommendations.
  • Do not take crunchy foods for granted.  Jeff has been craving chips like crazy!
  • Emergency rooms suck and I am really thankful that we have health insurance and can usually avoid them.
  • Want to lose 20 pounds?  Have your tonsils out... unfortunately this side effect did not transfer over to me:)
  • It was way too quiet in our house when Jeff couldn't talk, I will try not to take his voice for granted ever again. 
  • I am so thankful for Priesthood Blessings and our awesome home teacher and ward family who take great care of us.
  • No matter how old you are when you are sick mommies are the best.  I am so thankful both of our moms could come to visit.
The thing that hit me the hardest was how incredibly hard it is to watch someone you love so much be in pain and know there is nothing you can do to help.  This was the first major surgery that Jeff and I have dealt with together and while it was not easy I know it brought us closer together.  There is no one else that I could imagine spending all of eternity with and I am thankful the challenges that make us learn and grow together.  I hope that all the pain Jeff faced was worth it and he will be able to sleep and breathe better.  I love you babe!

What a stud!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Thankful Week Five

November 26th - I am thankful for great friends who invited us to the Visalia Christmas parade.  I have been lonely in Visalia away from most of my college friends but we are making even more great friends and I hope they know how thankful I am for their kindness and friendship.

November 27th - I am thankful for my healthy body and for staying healthy this month.  I have always been lucky to be a pretty healthy person and I hope I don't ever take that for granted.

November 28th - I am thankful for my students.  I am especially thankful that they didn't forget everything I have taught them the last few months during their week off:)

November 29th -  I am thankful for rain and the cleansing power it has over everything.  I always feel that it helps to renew my soul even as it quenches the Earth. 

November 30th - I am so thankful for the temple and that we have a temple so close in Fresno.  I am also thankful for yummy dinners with great friends at the Cheesecake Factory. 

I have so much to be thankful for, including a husband who will serve me mac and cheese on the couch when I am feeling lazy. 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thankful Week Four

November 19th - I am thankful for pie. Even after picking up 700 pies at 6am for Jeff's fundraiser, I still love pie!  My car smelled so good:)

November 20th - I am thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the hope and strength that it gives me every day. 

November 21st - I am thankful for days off.  And for a husband who volunteers to go to the store for me the day before Thanksgiving and searches all over Target for the perfect paper plates.  I really have an awesome husband.

November 22nd - I love Thanksgiving.  I love the food.  I love family.  And most importantly I love the spirit of the holiday.  I have an overwhelming feeling of gratitude as I look at all the things that I have been blessed with.  Even the trials of our lives are designed to help us to recognize our blessings and grow us into stronger people. 

November 23rd- I am so thankful for shopping adventures with Jeff and my family.  I love our black Friday shopping adventures and the traditions that we have created.  I think Jeff loves competitive shopping even more than me.

November 24th - I am thankful for Skype.  I miss my favorite sister very much but I am so grateful that technology that allows me to talk to her and see her beautiful face.  I can't wait to see her in a few weeks.

November 25th - I am thankful for my puppies that make me laugh and smile.  I even love the stinky one.

Thankful picture - I love my brother and husband.  And they love shopping for TV's for Janet and Ben! (P.S. I don't know why this picture is in black and white.)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thankful Week Three

November 12th - I am thankful for days off to recharge my batteries.  Especially when I can spend them at home with Jeff.  It is so wonderful to live in country where we honor our servicemen and women both past and present.  I am so thankful for the freedoms that they protect everyday.

November 13th - I am thankful the beautiful, strong and compassionate and women in my Bunko group that I spend one evening a month with.  Their friendships mean more to me than they will ever know. 

November 14th - I am thankful for smiles and hugs and for sweet kids who turn my whole day around.

November 15th - I am thankful for my husband, everyday.  Especially when he buys me 12 boxes of my favorite candy even when I try to protest.

November 16th - I am thankful for Disneyland.  No matter how much life is getting me down Disneyland always cheers me up. 

November 17th - I am thankful for grandparents.  I am lucky to have known all of my own grandparents and now I am lucky enough to be able to hang out with Jeff's grandparents. Seeing how in love they are after almost 60 years is an inspiration to me.

November 18th - I am thankful for dinner with the missionaries tonight and for all the missionaries that have come into my life and turned into great friends.

Thankful picture - I am thankful for new friends, Disneyland and sweet babies that give me hope.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Thankful Week Two

November 5th - I am thankful hot chocolate and cool weather.  It makes it feel like Christmas!

November 6th - I am thankful I still get to play my French horn.  Every week it is hard to get my booty off the couch  but I do love playing with the local community band.  It makes me feel like a real musician who can play more than just the 5 notes I teach my beginners.

November 7th - I am thankful for my coworker Michelle who bought me dinner tonight and is always a great person to talk to.  I especially love how angry she will get on my behalf:)

November 8th - I am thankful that Jeff and I are such a good team (most of the time).  We had a little flea issue and had to clean the house from top to bottom but it went pretty smoothly and now the whole house is clean!

November 9th -  I am thankful for getting all my grades done so I could have a free weekend.  Also for funny movies.  We loved "Wreck-It-Ralph!"

November 10th - I am thankful for Jeff's band and his sweet kids that always make me feel loved and included.  I am also thankful marching band is OVER!!!!

November 11th - I am thankful my calling in Primary at church.  I have loved watching my little ones grow over the last two years.  I am sad to leave them but I am so thankful for new opportunities.

I am especially thankful for this little stinker.  He ALWAYS brightens my day!