Sunday, December 2, 2012

Thankful Week Five

November 26th - I am thankful for great friends who invited us to the Visalia Christmas parade.  I have been lonely in Visalia away from most of my college friends but we are making even more great friends and I hope they know how thankful I am for their kindness and friendship.

November 27th - I am thankful for my healthy body and for staying healthy this month.  I have always been lucky to be a pretty healthy person and I hope I don't ever take that for granted.

November 28th - I am thankful for my students.  I am especially thankful that they didn't forget everything I have taught them the last few months during their week off:)

November 29th -  I am thankful for rain and the cleansing power it has over everything.  I always feel that it helps to renew my soul even as it quenches the Earth. 

November 30th - I am so thankful for the temple and that we have a temple so close in Fresno.  I am also thankful for yummy dinners with great friends at the Cheesecake Factory. 

I have so much to be thankful for, including a husband who will serve me mac and cheese on the couch when I am feeling lazy. 

1 comment:

  1. I am thankful that in 12 days I get to have all my kids home at one time!
